Brennan's considered a toddler now. That's weird. While Gregg has been in TX this week, Brennan and I have really bonded more than ever. I can honestly say this little boy's one of my bestest friends ever. Man I love him. His personality is coming out more and more, and I'm learning he's even more awesome than I ever thought. I wanted to get these pictures on the blog for our friends who haven't seen the little Brenner in a while- check out the photo album "Portraits." They are from his one-year portraits we had done a couple of months ago.
Also here's the current vocab. list: momma, daddy, nana, papa, doggie, birdie, bunny, arf arf, moo, vrrooom, RRRROOOOAAARRR, baa, meow, hi, book, wow, light, no, bye-bye, GO!, maddy, jack, and Nennan (that's what he calls himself.) Also, today when my mom asked him "hey, are you a pooper?" he replied with a questionable inflection in his voice: "pooper?"" and sometimes he says sock and flower too. In short, he's brilliant.
i'm teary eye'd. i'm in san antonio and i miss cyndi and my boy. i hate missing these words and his stomping (dancing) he does. i hope the first thing he does when he sees me is put his arms out.
Posted by: gregg | July 15, 2006 at 04:18 PM
i miss that little guy! my is he handsome! thanks for posting the pics cyndo. i do have to say, i am a little bummed that "kate" isn't one of his words anymore. we will have to work on that soon! love you girl!
Posted by: kate zuccarello | July 16, 2006 at 02:28 PM