the new banner says a little bit about "where i want to be". i want to be in a place that i wake up every day wanting to be awake and wanting to live fully. live fully in the ministry i'm blessed with. live fully in my marriage and family. i want to want to do what i'm doing.
it doesn't mean i have to go to a place that looks like the new banner, but sometimes i feel like i need some kind of reset button. i need some way of figuring out who i am. i feel like so often i am trying to figure out who i'm not. and that usually happens from ending up doing something that shows me who i'm not.
so what do i do to find these things out. i read my bible and pray. i ask my friends. i ask mentors. but when it comes down to it...God has to tell me who i am, and i have to be willing to listen to him and obey what he has to say. i read and re-read romans 8 should check it out. it tells us who we are if we know Jesus. at certain verses i feel like i don't know Jesus and at others i am so encourage that i know him.
i know that the better we know Jesus, the better we seem to know i need to know Jesus better.
so here are some things i know:
- my heart longs to be intimately connected to Jesus
- i love to sing to him and to use singing to lead others
- i want to be in ministry that integrates cyndi more
i should know more things, but i don't right now.
it's a rough journey sometimes, that's certain. while you want to know more, it seems to me that you know enough. what i know (I know this better for others than for myself) is that Jesus will lead you just where He wants to see you go - no striving to get there and hoping you are in the right place. just abiding. God has given you gifts - amazing gifts - He will also enable you to use them for His glory. no striving. just abiding. I have confidence, great hope for you and cyndi. no striving. just abiding.
i'm always going to be learning this.
Posted by: Juli | June 09, 2006 at 04:18 PM
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I know things are tough and frustrating. I had a nice time with you and Huss on Sunday. That might sound banal, but when you get to my place- "nice" & "comfortable" are really, really good things. Enjoying a summer evening with your father & bro- in law watching a goofy tv show was a really wonderful time. It's rare that we 3 share anything other than our family- so I enjoyed that.
Also, and this sounds dumb and maybe you didn't care: Sorry I didn't link you guys on my blog. It never crossed my mind & I was speaking with another friend who had not been linked by someone else by their blog & when I was reading this it occurred to me, "little things like that matter." So whether you wanted to be or not, you're linked- considering you introduced me to the idea of this crap, it only makes sense.
Stay black and strong, bro
jefe x
pv's black muslim
Posted by: jefe | June 14, 2006 at 01:32 PM