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Dean Sutton

I know how you feel. My primary love language is words of affirmation and there are few of those given when you are a leader in ministry. But I have learned to receive that affirmation directly from the Father and avoid fixating on humans to do that. I know you're like that also.
I will affirm you, Gregg, that you made a tremendous impact on The Furnace - both you and Cyndi. Your worship leadership is still being felt through Brandon's passion. I know how you nurtured him and I appreciate it. I pray for you in your new position - don't get discouraged but persevere with passion in the time you have with these students. They will never forget you for it even if they say nothing now.
I know you know all this in your head but maybe it helps get it into your heart to hear it repeated by another brother in Christ. I hope so.


thanks dean

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