I was looking around online
today…I know that in Jewish culture, boys were expected to memorize the torah,
but I wanted to find a source that said that, so I knew for sure. In the process I came across torah.org, and
came across this statement regarding the messiah and what he will do, and how
to know who the messiah is…
There will come a time when a descendant of King David will be appointed as leader of the Jews in the Land of Israel; he will be wiser than King Solomon, and will possess a power of prophecy almost equal to Moses; he will successfully defeat all his enemies and opposition, politically and militarily; he will rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and will coordinate the return of Jews from all over the world to the Land of Israel; he will teach the world truth and wisdom, and will unite all of Humanity in the service of G- d. His efforts will eventually lead to the development of a world without famine, war, jealousy or competition; a world in which there will be an unlimited supply of resources available to fulfill every human being's physical needs and desires, leaving people free to focus all their energy on knowing and understanding G-d.
How will we know that a particular king from the House of David is actually the Messiah? Only if he successfully accomplishes all of the above; in other words, he will not have to perform any miracles to prove that he is the Messiah and we will not ask him to do so - he simply has to be a G-d fearing person from the House of David who understands and carries out all the laws of the Torah.
When he achieves everything mentioned in the previous paragraph(s) we will know that he is the Messiah
What do you guys think....
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