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That is so cool. Totally happy for you guys! Glad to see you make the plunge in typepad land. Found you off Cleave's site. Praying for you guys....

greggoryjames are our official first commentor. rock on...thanks for the prayers


glad to be of service...

Rob Lewin

Your dog had hiccups? Really?
congrats on the news.
We'll be prayin!

Jon Yacapraro

Gregg and Cindy, I am very happy to see your baby's picture on here. I remember when Julie and I went in for the sonogram and it was awesome to get a look at our developing child. Cherish each of these days I am amazed at how much my daughter has grown in just one short year from birth to now. After a while you realize the obvious that they will never be that small again. Next time you go in for a sonogram your child will be considerabley bigger. I know this probably sounds weird right now but soon you will understand once you have pictures to compare. I am also amazed at how something so beautiful can come from two people and keep getting more and more beautiful as time goes on. Doesnt seem possible... I have rambled on long enough and need to call my wife before she goes to work.

God Bless,


Aunt Berna

Hi Gregg and Cyndi thanks so much for sending me your new web site. I really enjoyed reading everything.And the pictures were great (except maybe your teeth!) Good luck with that. Looking forward to future postings. Love you guys!! P.S. Have a great Thanksgiving! I will miss everybody. See you on Christmas I hope!

Mom (K)

I speak unto my Grand baby to be, as a singer and a blessing to all that hear her sing! notice I said her? I have high hopes. Mom

greggoryjames (bun in the oven)

it's ok to have high hopes ma, but when it comes out with a penis...i know you'll still be happy...

Mom (K)

YOU BET !!! Love ya'll. Mom

Mom (K)

I'm going to look forward to the trios you, Cyndi & your son will be performing !! Love ya'll. Mom(K)


I just ran across this picture on google while looking for pictures for a project for little kindergarteners.
I have to say you sound like you will be a wonderful father. You sound so excited and such. Congratulations on your little boy!

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